Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1100 USD für die exkursion
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Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

Langtang Region is in the north-central Himalayas of the Bagmati province of Nepal. Situated 51 kilometers north of the Kathmandu valley, the region is renowned for hosting the Langtang National Park which eventually constitutes the border with the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. About 4,500 people reside inside the park (with Tamang as majority), and many more depend on it for timber and firewood.

The park contains a wide variety of climatic zones, from subtropical to alpine. Approximately 25% of the park is forested. Trees include the deciduous oak and maple, evergreens like pine, and various types of rhododendron. Animal life includes the Himalayan black bear, the goat-like Himalayan Tahr, Musk deer, Assam macaque, Langoors, wild Boars and Red pandas and many more. There are also stories of Yeti sightings.

The park contains the Gosaikunda lakes, sacred to Hindus. Pilgrimages are made there in August. Another spiritual site is Langtang valley itself is a Beyul ( Buddhist Sacred Valley) along with the Buddhist monastery Kyanjin Gompa. Popular activities for tourists in the park include trekking,climbing, and white-water rafting.

The villag of Langtang was completely destroyed by a massive avalanche followed by the earthquake in April 2015. The village suffered an estimated 310 deaths, including 176 Langtang residents, 80 foreigners, and 10 army personnel. More than 100 bodies were never recovered.


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