Zaamin mountains in Djizzak from Samarkand

Sprache Arabisch, Chinesisch, Englisch, Italienisch, japanisch, Koreanisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 170 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

Zamin mountains from Samarkand

After having breakfast, To pick up from your hotel at 8:00. On the way you will taste Uzbek traditional Samsa (Which is popular place around Uzbekistan Aka-Uka beklar) later to stop close to the Lake water reservoir in Jizzak and to reach 12:30 o’clock having time on the top of mountains taking a Cabel car to reach to the top of mountains, activities on the mountains Horse riding, Quard, Bridge, and to enjoy the view, having extra time for walking, on the way dawn to see Old 1.000 year-old tree and artificial waterfall of Zamin. Going back to home to stop for dinner at Farhod restaurant, where you will taste Shashlik Grilled meat. To Return back to Samarkand till 21:00

The Zaamin Mountains in Uzbekistan offer a diverse and captivating experience for nature enthusiasts. Here's a breakdown of detailed information:

1. Location:

- The Zaamin Mountains are part of the larger Tian Shan mountain range, situated in the Jizzakh Province of Uzbekistan.

2. Landscape and Natural Features:

- The region is characterized by rugged mountainous terrain, lush valleys, and dense forests.

- Notable natural features include alpine meadows, crystal-clear lakes, and diverse flora.

3. Special Animals:

- Wildlife in the Zaamin Mountains includes ibex, wild goats, red deer, marmots, and the elusive snow leopard.

- Birdwatchers can spot various species, including golden eagles and bearded vultures.

4. Unique Plants:

- The mountains host a variety of plant life, including rare alpine flowers, juniper forests, and medicinal herbs.

5. Natural Activities:

- Popular activities include trekking and hiking, allowing visitors to explore the picturesque landscapes and encounter the diverse flora and fauna.

- Birdwatching is a rewarding activity, given the rich avian biodiversity.

6. Highest Peak:

- The highest peak in the Zaamin Mountains is Adelunga, reaching an elevation of approximately [insert elevation if known].

7. Uniqueness:

- The Zaamin Mountains are known for their tranquility, offering a peaceful retreat amidst unspoiled natural beauty.

- The region's biodiversity and unique ecosystems make it a significant area for ecological conservation.

8. Neighboring Countries:

- The Zaamin Mountains are situated in Uzbekistan, sharing borders with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. These neighboring countries contribute to the cultural and geographical diversity of the region.


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