Amirsay Chimgan And Charvak in The Winter from Tashkent

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Italienisch, japanisch, Koreanisch, Persisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 140 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

Tashkent mountains Amirsay Chimgan and Charvak lake in the Winter!

1. After breakfast, your tour guide and driver will pick you up from the hotel at 9:00.

2. It takes approximately 1.5 hours to reach the Amirsay mountains, where you can enjoy various snowy activities until 17:00, including skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, snowtubing, skating, snowshoe walking, horse-riding, quad biking, roller skating, roping, swimming pool, and SPA. The cable car in Amirsay is one of the longest zip lines in Tashkent, spanning 2 km.Amirsay Resort is open from 9:00 to 17:00 for the cable car, with parking available until 18:00.

3. Lunch will be served either at Restaurant Fayoz or on the top of the mountains at Sazanchim restaurant.

4. In the afternoon, you will head to Chimgan, where you'll find activities at a reasonable price, including snowtubing, horse-riding, and quad biking.

5. Chimgan is a local and open resort, but please note that the cable car in Chimgan is open and considered hazardous, especially for children, as it takes you to the highest place in the mountains.

6. At 16:00, you'll depart for Charvak lake, which is around a 25-minute drive away.

7. On the way to Charvak lake, you'll come across stunning views of the lake. The car will stop for approximately 15 minutes for you to take pictures and videos. Additionally, at Charvak lake, you can enjoy activities such as boating, paragliding, horse riding, and quad biking.

8. Around 17:30, you'll leave Charvak lake to return to Tashkent.

In this price including:


Transport full day

3 main places


Cabel car entrance payments

any tips

activities on the mountains

parking fee



Gloves 🧤

Warm Clothes


Check temperature before coming


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