Day Excursion Mombasa Tsavo East

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 270 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

Starting from / returning to Mombasa Island – & North Coast beach area resorts, Kilifi, Bamburi, Mombasa Port area before sunset.

Tsavo East National Park is Kenya’s largest game park, known for its wonderful diversity of wildlife.

Famous for the Tsavo Man Eater lions, has a wide ecosystem rich in flora and fauna

This action-packed day trip is a dawn to dusk experience.

Prepare to spend at least 6 hours viewing spectacular wildlife and scenic landscapes.

Tour is private under a well maintained vehicle

for game viewing in search of Elephant, Lion, Cheetah, Buffalo, Giraffe, Antelope and many more animal species.

Lunch at a restaurant overlooking the Tsavo East plains or at one of the safari lodges.

Later depart Tsavo East for the Kenya Coast to arrive approximately 5:30pm.

Safari picks up & drops off points at:

Mombasa City, Nyali beach resorts, Mombasa Port, Shanzu beach resorts, Kilifi beach resorts, Bamburi beach resorts.

Tour pick up time

Mombasa and north coast hotels: 0500Hrs

Tour Highlights

What you could be able to see!

Tsavo East National Park, Game drives,

Lion, elephant, cheetah, giraffe, buffalo, antelope, warthog, ostrich, Baboons, birds…

Herds of dust-red elephant wallowing, rolling or simply foraging

The beautiful man made Aruba dam located on the north bank of the seasonal Voi River, is visited by thousands of animals and is a great game viewing destination.

Mudanda Rock - this whale-backed rock towers above a natural dam, which acts as a draw to thousands of elephants


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