Day Excursion Mombasa Shimba Hills

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden

Shimba Hills National Reserve - Is 30 kms south of Mombasa, located in the coastal rain forest climate belt just a quick 10 Km drive from Diani beach.

Visit Shimba Hills to experience cool sea breezes of frequent mists and early morning clouds. The reserve is known for waterfalls, green dense forests, bird watchers den and

thick vegetation near the coastline.

Tour is whole day trip by road on a Safari vehicle or Cruiser jeep taking you tree tops!

The drives takes approximately 1 hour across the Likoni Ferry if starting from Mombasa.

Arrive at the Shimba Hills National Reserve and proceed for a morning game viewing drive. We shall look out for the endangered Sable Antelope, Elephants, Giraffe, Leopard, civet cat, monkeys, shrews and for the bird watchers, more that 100 bird species have been recorded including Ostrich, Eagle, African Hawk and Honey Guide.

We shall further explore the Shimba hills on foot where accompanied by our guide, we shall walk on the Shedrick Falls on a 1/2 hour hike as we marvel at the water cascade.

We shall later stop at the Shimba Hills Green Safari lodge where we will have lunch and enjoy the surrounding views from the vantages of the lodge.

What to see/do on Shimba Hills Day Trip

Elephants, Sable Antelope, African Hawk, Ostrich, Eagles, Giraffe, Leopard, Civet Cat

Serval Cat, Black-faced Vervet Monkeys

Coastal Black and white Colobus

Sykes Monkey, Black and Red Shrew, Duiker


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