Mombasa Wazini Dhow & Dolphin Excursion

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 9 Stunden

Wasini Dhow & Dolphin excursion departs daily

Highlights the Snorkelling, Dolphin encounters, Seafood and Lunch

This popular coastal sea and land excursion offers a full day of activities featuring sailing on a traditional Dhow; visit to the Wasini Island where Kiswahili dishes will be served at lunch time.

Enjoy a sun-drenched day of snorkeling, Dolphin viewing, bird watching and sailing in the Kisite Mpunguti marine park.

The tour includes Dolphin encounters and a sea food lunch.

Wasini dhow excursion pick up points:

Mombasa island, Mombasa port, Bamburi resorts, Galu resorts, Diani resorts, Nyali resorts, Shanzu resorts, Tiwi resorts

Departure Times - 0645hrs

South Coast Resorts : Approximately

Mombasa North Coast Resorts

Approximately : 0630hrs

Tour Highlights:

Kenya coast scenic country on drive


Coral / marine life


Seafood & traditional (Swahili) dishes

Local Cultures

Early pick up from your beach resort.

The morning drive is across the ferry to the South Coast where we stop briefly at Diani beach for other pick ups

Later proceed to the historical small fishing village of Shimoni on a drive via coastal settlements with views of palm trees, cashew nuts, mango tree plantations

What you could see/do at Wasini

Snorkeling, Dolphin, Exotic Fish, Sea Food


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