15 Days Badimalika Trek: A Tour to Heaven

Sprache Chinesisch, Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Koreanisch, Nepali, Spanisch
Kosten 2400 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Wochen 1 Tag

Experience a heavenly 15-day Badimalika Trek, venturing into Nepal's remote western region. Trek through pristine forests, charming villages, and sacred sites. Reach the serene Badimalika Temple. Immerse in local culture and stunning landscapes, from terraced fields to panoramic mountain vistas. A spiritual and picturesque journey off the beaten path.

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu

Arrive in Kathmandu.

Check into your hotel.

Rest and prepare for the trek.

Day 2: Kathmandu to Bajura

Fly from Kathmandu to Bajura.

Explore Bajura town.

Overnight stay in Bajura.

Day 3: Trek to Kolti

Begin trekking to Kolti.

Enjoy scenic views along the trail.

Overnight stay in a teahouse.

Day 4-11: Trek to Badimalika

Trek through lush forests and charming villages.

Visit local temples and monasteries.

Reach the sacred Badimalika Temple.

Explore the surrounding area.

Overnight stays in teahouses.

Day 12: Trek Back to Kolti

Begin the trek back to Kolti.

Reflect on your spiritual journey.

Overnight stay in a teahouse.

Day 13: Kolti to Bajura

Trek back to Bajura.

Rest and explore the town.

Overnight stay in Bajura.

Day 14: Bajura to Kathmandu

Fly from Bajura to Kathmandu.

Relax in Kathmandu or do some last-minute shopping.

Overnight stay in Kathmandu.

Day 15: Departure

Check out from your hotel.

Depart from Kathmandu.


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