A Day Tour Of Shakhrisabz, The Motherland Of Amir Temur

Sprache Englisch, Persisch, Russisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

Take a 7-hour tour of Shakhrisabz, a town that is 2700 years old and played a significant role in the history of the Central Asian region. Marvel at a large number of architectural sights and the historical center of the city, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Take a trip to the ruins of Ak-Saray Palace, Dor-us Saodat, the memorial complex Dor-ut-Tilovat, and the Kok-Gumbaz Mosque.


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