Annapurna Base Camp Trekking

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 695 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche 3 Tage

Annapurna – a mountain range synonymous with Nepal.

The Annapurna Massifs are a spectacular trekking region suitable for all ages, abilities, experiences, and challenges. It has many flexible routes, classic rural villages, and thick forests, all within sight of the towering white peaks Nepal is famous for. As the trekking altitudes are below 3650m, it reduces the risk of altitude sickness, making this region a very attractive place to trek for those who do not seek the hard conditions of the Everest trekking side.

For first-timers to Nepal, families, those who are not perhaps drawn by Everest, or those who want a trek of around 5 days, I would strongly recommend the Annapurna trekking region.

The Annapurna trekking areahosts1x8167m (Dhaulagiri the 7thhighest in the world), 1 x 8091m peak (Annapurna 1, the 10th highest in the world), 13 x 7000m peaks, and 16 x 6000m peaks as well as the world’s deepest river gorge (Kali Gandaki ), you’ll miss out on some spectacular mountain scenery should immediately be dismissed!

Where is Annapurna?

Many people think all Nepal treks are extreme, high altitude, too severe, and beyond them. It is not true; the Annapurna trekking region, particularly the lower region, suits a whole range of abilities. The trekking needs to be done, of course, but it’s certainly not extreme.

The Annapurna trekking region is 200km to the west of Kathmandu, in the opposite direction to the Everest region. Its northern border is effectively Tibet-China, and its western side is marked by the Kali Gandaki river gorge, the deepest river gorge in the world; get there (road/air), and any trekking you do, combined with a few days in the wonderful lakeside town of Pokhara, it is going to provide a comprehensive experience of Nepal.

How To Get To Annapurna?

Getting into the region is going to involve either a drive, a domestic flight, or both. This will depend on exactly where you’re going.

The vast majority of travellers will enter Nepal through Kathmandu. From there, it is an approx. 6 hours drive along Nepal’s main ‘Prithi Highway’ to Pokhara. This is an experience in itself; sit back and enjoy the ride! From here, it’s another 45 – 90 min drive to access the trekking area. 4×4s and small buses can access deep into the region; they are slow, bumpy journeys.

Domestic flights take just 30 minutes from Kathmandu – Pokhara, and from there, you’ll need to drive into the Annapurna Region, again depending on where you want to go. The exception is another 20 min domestic flight from Pokhara to the mountain STOL airstrip in Jomson. This is a spectacular flight.

The Scale of Annapurna Trekking

I would suggest the Annapurna trekking region has more trekking options than any other region in Nepal. It hosts two renowned world-class treks: the Annapurna Circuit and, the Annapurna Base Camp treks. Both are in excess of 10 days (just trekking).

All of the shorter in the southern area and can be anywhere between 2-5 days upwards, depending on your wishes.

Lower Annapurna (3 – 6 days)

This great area can host a varied set of treks ranging from 3-7 days. A loop is preferable for most, and that will include Poon Hill (3210m), which is a fantastic photographic hot spot for sunrises. Trekking-wise, Poon Hill is as high as it gets around this area. An excellent area for first-time trekkers, families, and short treks but even for more experienced trekkers, don’t underestimate its beauty and welcoming mountain hamlets.


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