Logar valley

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 396 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

Hiking tour from waterfall Rinka to Dom na Okrešelj - Hike around Logar valley


The hut is located on Okrešelj, a glacial cirque with an interesting geomorphological appearance and a rich flora of colorful carpets of mountain flowers. The hut is a starting point for mountain tours and exploration of the landscape diversity of the mountain cirque.

The hut is accessible by a marked path from the parking lot running below Rinka falls, an hour's leisurely walk. Free time for lunch on the way. Continue: The Logar valley is one of the most beautiful alpine glacial valleys in Europe.

It extends into the Kamnik-Savinja alps from the north. A part of the Solčavsko region, tradition and nature have found harmony here, serving as a good example of sustainable development. As an added value to agriculture and forestry, tourism offers an opportunity for relaxation in the peaceful ambiance of the landscape park as well as hiking, cycling, horseback riding, photo hunting, etc


Start from the Parking place

hike to the hut on Okrešelj

we will pass the Rinka waterfall

and explore the Logarska valley

Transfer 100€


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