Lake Bohinj - Blato - Krstenica and Laz valley

Sprache Bosnian, Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch, Slovene, Serbian
Kosten 396 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

Full day trip to Blato - Krstenica - Laz with a local expert guide

Our hiking start on Blato valley from where we'll continue to Krstenica valley which is heaven for mountain lovers, cuz it's far from everyday noise. From Krstenica we go to Laz valley and have lunch there and then return to Blato valley.


Our hiking start on Blato valley from where we'll continue to Krstenica valley which is heaven for mountain lovers, cuz it's far from everyday noise. We can feel how the nature breaths, which is somewhere still untouchable (1670m). We continue to Laz valley (1560), which is a mountain valley in Julian Alps above the Bohinj lake. It is surrounded by mountains which are Two thousand meters above the sea level - Kreda, Slatna, Debeli vrh, Ogradi, Vogel. Below valley was found a campfire from the Mesolithic period, which is the oldest trace of a human in Julian Alps.

Laz is one of the most distinctive mountains in the area. Shepherds' buildings are built on wooden bars, the residence is located above the livestock area. The tourist cheese route runs along the mountain. The mountain is also part of the International Railway, which is managed by the Gorenjska Museum in the form of the Trail of the Bronze Bell in Slovenia. We can stop here to have some snack or lunch and then continue back to Blato valley.


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