EBC trek with Kalapathar

Sprache Englisch, Hindi
Kosten 600 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche 5 Tage

The Everest Base Camp and Kala Patthar trek is one of the most popular and iconic trekking routes in the world, offering stunning views of the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, and the surrounding Himalayan giants.

The trek usually begins with a thrilling flight from Kathmandu to Lukla. Lukla is a small town with a challenging airstrip and serves as the gateway to the Khumbu region and the trail passes through picturesque Sherpa villages, suspension bridges, and dense forests on the way to Namche Bazaar, a vibrant market town and the unofficial capital of the Khumbu region.The route then takes you to Tengboche, home to the famous Tengboche Monastery, offering breathtaking views of Everest, Lhotse, and Ama Dablam. Afrer spending 4 night in higher altitude the trek continues towards Gorak Shep, the last settlement before Everest Base Camp. From Gorak Shep, you'll hike to Everest Base Camp, situated at the foot of the Khumbu Icefall. While trekking, you'll pass through the famous Khumbu Glacier and witness the colorful prayer flags at the base camp.

Our another attraction is Kala Patthar. Kalapathar meaning "Black Rock," is a viewpoint that offers the closest and most stunning views of Everest. Trekkers often start the climb to Kala Patthar early in the morning to witness the sunrise over Everest.


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