Pathivara Temple-5 days tour

Sprache Englisch, hindi, Nepali
Kosten 12500 NPR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Tage

Pathivara Temple is a popular Hindu pilgrimage site located in the Taplejung district of Nepal. It is dedicated to Goddess Pathivara, and the temple is situated atop a hill at an altitude of 3,794 meters (12,448 feet.

Here is details itinerary for the trip:-

Day1- Drive to Jhapa and stay overnight there.

Day2- Drive to Kaflepati via Fungling Bazar

Day3- Trek to Pathivara temple(3-4Hrs) and back to Fungling Bazar

Day4- Drive back to Ilam/Jhapa

Day5- Drive back to Kathmandu


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