Mardi Himal Trek- 8 days

Sprache Englisch, Hindi
Kosten 450 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

The Mardi Himal trek is a relatively short trek in the Annapurna region of Nepal that offers stunning views of the Himalayan mountains, including Machapuchare (Fishtail), Annapurna South, and Hiunchuli. While the standard trek duration is usually around 8-10 days, it is possible to complete a 7-day trek to Mardi Himal, depending on your itinerary and trekking pace. Here's a basic outline for a 7-day Mardi Himal trek:

Day 1)- Arrived Kathmandu

Day 2)- Drive to Kande and trek to


Day 3)- Trek to Low Camp(3150M)

Day 4)- Trek to High Camp(3700)

Day 5)- Hike to Mardi Base Camp and trek

down to Sidding (4500M)

Day 6)- Drive back to Pokhara

Day 7)- Drive back to Kathmandu

Day 8)- Fly back to home.


1. Porter on sharing basis.

2. Guide's wages, food, accommodation.

3. food during trekking(

breakfast/lunch/dinner with room.

4. Permit/tims and other govt. fee.

5. Good quality Hotel in Pokhara.

6. Tourist bus from& to KTM and sharing jeep



1. Food during Kathmandu and during drive to/from KTM.

2. Tea/coffee and other kind of drinks.

3. food during stay of Pokhara.


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