Sprache Englisch, Hindi
Kosten 1500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Wochen

The Gokyo Trek is a popular trekking route in the Everest region of Nepal. It is renowned for its stunning mountain scenery, including breathtaking views of some of the world's highest peaks, pristine glacial lakes, and the opportunity to explore the Sherpa culture

Details itinerary:-

Day1:-Arrived in Kathmandu

Day2:-Leisure day at


Day3:-Fly to Lukla and trek to Phakding


Day4:- Trek to Namche 3450M/10km/6hrs

Day5:- Hike to Everest View Hotel and trek

back to Kyanjuma 3550M/…...

Day6:- Trek to Dole 4080M/12km/6hrs

Day7:- Trek to Machhermo


Day8:- Trek to Gokyo 4750M/7.7km/6hrs

Day9:- Hike to Gokyo-Ri(5357M)for sunrise

and back to Machhermo 4410M

Day10:- Trek back to Mongla Dada 3973M

Day11:- Trek to Namche/Monjo …...

Day12:- Trek to Lukla 2860M

Day13:- Fly back to Kathmandu

Day14:- Fly back to home


1- Food/Accommodation during trek.

2- Guide wages/food/accommodation.

3- National park permit/entrance fee.

4- Flight to/from Kathmandu.

5- Tea/coffee 3 cup per day.

6- Strong Porter 2:1 basis.

7- 3 star quality hotel in Kathmandu for 3 night

(BB plan)

8- Insurance for guide and porter during



1- Cold drinks, extra food/tea except mention above.

2- Tips/allowance for trekking staff.

3- food in Kathmandu.


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