Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 30 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

Antalya city tour is a full-day guided sightseeing tour. Antalya which is called the capital of Turkish tourism is one the most beautiful city in the world. It is also the 5th biggest city with a population of one and half million in Turkey. In the Antalya city tour program, You will see the most famous attractions of Antalya bellows;

* Düden waterfalls: The name derives from the Duden stream which has got two-part called Upper and lower. Both have stunning views.

* Upper Duden waterfall: where is on the north of Antalya and 10 km from Antalya city center. The waterfall is 22 meters high and has got some caves and cascades behind it. There is also a picnic area around the waterfall.

* Lower Duden waterfall: called also 'Karpuz kaldıran' falls into the Mediterranean sea from the cliffs at an altitude of 40 meters It is on the road to Lara beach. The waterfall is the haunt of excursion boats. Lower Düden waterfall is also the symbolic natural beauty of Antalya.

* Tünektepe Cable Car (Antalya Teleferik): it takes you up to the 605-meter high hill. The hill has magnificent Antalya city, new harbor, and Mediterranean sea views. You can enjoy drinking a couple of coffee, tea ext. at the cafe on the top of the hill and take fantastic photos.

* Antalya boat tour: It takes about an hour, starting from Antalya old harbor and taking you to Karpuzkaldıran waterfall is known as 'lower Duden' falling from about 40 meters into the Mediterranian Sea. It is looked so impressive among water clouds the falling waters like a great painting from a boat out at sea. You will be back seeing Antalya's old city’s coasts from the boat.

* Kaleici (old town): where you can see the antique Hadrianus Gate, the Clock Tower, Fluted Minaret, and the ancient harbor. You will enjoy the narrow street of the old city. You are able to do shopping in your free time for about one and a half hours.

Do not miss the Antalya sightseeing tour which you will discover the beauties of Antalya with a professional guide!


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