Two Days Agra Tour Package (Ex-Delhi)

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 410 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

The 'City of Love' Agra is one of the most-visited tourist destinations of India. Our exclusive 2-day tour is perfect for a visitor to Delhi with limited time. As most travelers would say, you definitely cannot visit India, and not see the Taj Mahal. So, if you are a business or a leisure visitor to India, with limited time in your hand, this 2-day trip to Agra is just the right way to see the Taj Mahal. This tour includes comprehensive sightseeing, including two visits to the world-famous tribute of love, Taj Mahal.

• Tour Duration: 1 Nights / 2 Days

• Places Covered: Agra(1)



Your 2 days Agra Tour can begin with a pickup from either New Delhi International Airport or from your hotel in Delhi, where you will be met by an Enchanting India Travels representative and will be driven to the city of love, Agra.

Agra: Agra is situated on the bank of Yamuna River. It is the dwelling place to India’s famous monument, the Taj Mahal. The charming town was the erstwhile capital of Mughal Empire in the 16th & 17th centuries. On your arrival at the hotel in Agra, you will again be met by our representative, who will then assist you with the check-in formalities. Later, in the afternoon, the tour guide will pick you up from the hotel for a guided sightseeing tour of the Agra Fort and a sunset visit to the Taj Mahal.

Agra Fort: Emperor Akbar started the construction of this huge red sandstone Agra Fort on the bank of Yamuna River in 1565. It was mainly constructed for the soldiers until his grandson, Shah Jahan, added more opulent accommodations. There are a number of attractive buildings within its porches such as Samman Burj, where Shah Jahan was imprisoned by his son, Moti Masjid, a white marble mosque, Diwan–e–Am, Diwan–e–Khas, Jahangir’s Palace, Khaas Mahal and Sheesh Mahal.

Taj Mahal: Emperor Shah Jahan constructed the Taj Mahal in the memory of his wife Mumtaj Mahal who died during the birth of their child in 1631. The construction of this famous

monument is said to have taken 22 years, starting from 1631. Over 20,000 artisans were working day and night for the construction of this landmark. The visit to the Taj Mahal will long be remembered by you as the highlight of your 2 days Agra Tour.

NOTE – Overnight stay at hotel in Agra.


The day begins early with a sunrise visit to one of the most well-known wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal*. An immense mausoleum of white marble, built between 1631 and 1648. Built by the Mogul Emperor, Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife, Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal is the jewel of Muslim art in India and a universally admired masterpiece of world heritage. Situated on the right bank of the Yamuna in a vast Mogul garden, this funerary monument combines elements and styles of Persian, Central Asian and Islamic architecture. After visiting the Taj Mahal. Return to the hotel for breakfast after sightseeing. Later, check out of hotel, and your 2 days Agra tour comes to an end with a drop either to Delhi International Airport, or at your hotel in Delhi.

Included in tour package

 Transfers between cities by air-conditioned private vehicle

 Accommodation in 3-4* hotels with breakfast

 Dinner at hotel

 Programs as described

 Entrance tickets

 Guided tour in English

 Bottle of water on tour

 Parking cost

 All tax

Not included in tour package

 International flight tickets

 Visa

 Additional consumption and personal expenses

 Optional programs

 Tipping

 Additional services

 Hotel extra costs in prime and peak season (mandatory dinner, peak season surcharge)


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