Wahiba Sand Desert tour. 🇴🇲

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

8 Hours Desert and Wadi bani Khalid (Oasis) tour.

The wahiba Desert tour distance is about 200km to reach the village of Bidiya and addition of 50km distance to reach to the Oasis of Wadi bani Khalid.

First we start driving to Wahiba Desert sand dune and have a quick stop at local bedouin house to experience their local life. Also Camel 🐫 rides if anyone would like to ride for few minutes.

Later we take dune drive to the top of the dunes and stop for photo 📸 for our beautiful memory on this beautiful place and nature.

Following our drive to the Natural Oasis of Wadi bani Khalid. At this Wadi we take 10 to 15 minutes walk from the car Parking area to reach the most spectacular scenery of natural water pools with many of dates palm 🌴 trees around the area.

Please if you decide to swim in these pools make sure you have decent respective swimming costumes in order not to offend local customs.

Later we drive back to Muscat.

Cost of this tour.

USD 300 or EUR 275

Tour Includes:

1. 4x4 vehicle and fuel

2. Driver / English Speaking Guide.

3. Drinking water within the tour.

Not Inclusive:

1. Lunch

2. Any extra charges not mentioned above.


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