Day Trip To Ouzoud Falls From Marrakech

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 600 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Day Trip Itinerary

Depart From Marrakech

Your day trip begins with an early departure from Marrakech. You’ll be picked up from your accommodation, and the drive to Ouzoud Falls takes approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. As you leave the city behind, you’ll witness the Moroccan landscape changing from urban to rural, with scenic views of the Atlas Mountains.

Arrival At Ouzoud Falls

Upon arrival at Ouzoud Falls, you’ll be greeted by the sound of rushing waters and the refreshing scent of nature. The falls are surrounded by a lush forest, and the area is teeming with local vendors offering refreshments and souvenirs.

Hike To The Falls

Your adventure begins with a hike down to the base of the falls. The hiking trail is well-maintained and offers fantastic viewpoints of the cascading waters at different levels. As you descend, you’ll be captivated by the beauty of the falls and the rainbows they create in the mist.

Enjoy A Boat Ride

One of the unique experiences at Ouzoud Falls is a boat ride to get up close to the base of the falls. As you sail on the boat, you’ll feel the spray of the falls and get a perspective that few visitors have the opportunity to enjoy.

Picnic By The Falls

You can enjoy a picnic lunch in one of the shaded areas by the falls. Many local cafes offer delicious Moroccan dishes, providing the perfect opportunity to savor traditional flavors with a view of the falls.

Explore The Barbary Macaques

Ouzoud Falls is home to a thriving community of Barbary macaques, a species of monkey native to North Africa. These playful and friendly creatures are often seen around the falls, offering great photo opportunities.

Return To Marrakech

After a day of exploration and natural beauty, it’s time to head back to Marrakech in the late afternoon. The return journey allows you to reflect on the stunning landscapes and the serenity of Ouzoud Falls.


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