2-Day Relaxed Tour From Livingstone To Lusaka Overland Travel Adventure

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 295 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Tage

Sign up for this short excursion and travel between Livingstone and Lusaka, covering a distance of 485.4 km while exploring the major highlights on the way. Check out the sites of the first state house of Zambia in Kalomo, the museum and the Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula statue in Choma. Explore Samu Lya Moomba while learning about its historical significance.

Narration: This 2 Day tour trip excursion cost US$295 per person. It is available daily throughout the year for your utmost convenience to fit into your travel program without any excuse.

Delivering a Safe Experience for YOU.

Knowledgeable local guides will accompany you on this transfer tour from Livingstone to Lusaka . They will share their knowledge on the local history and culture. Cold and warm delicious, well-prepared snacks are served on board. So, you will have complete peace of mind on this trip.


• Check out the first "state house" of the colonial administrators of Zambia in Kalomo

• See Kalundu Mound, an ancient iron age village site along the main T-1 road.

• Visit Choma Museum in Choma and spend a night at a good lodge

• Visit the Family Safari Lodge animal private sanctuary in Monze to view some wild animals.

• Explore the Samu Lya Moomba, a national heritage site in Monze.


Day 1: Livingstone Arrival - Kaloma – Choma.

• Meet your tour guide, who will pick you up from the reception of your lodge/hotel in Livingstone in a comfortable and air-conditioned transfer vehicle.

• Leave for Kalomo town travelling up north on T-1, the main Livingstone - Lusaka tourist road of Zambia.

Tour the first state house of the colonial administrator of Northern-Western Rhodesia (now Zambia).

• 17:00 pm: Check in at any other good accommodation facility in Choma.

• 19:00 pm – 21:30 pm: Enjoy dinner.

• 21: 40 pm: Retire to bed to sleep.

Day 2: Travel from Choma to Monze; enroute to Lusaka.

The following day, you will proceed to Monze enroute to Lusaka. In Monze, you will visit the Family Safari Lodge and tour the wildlife private reserve for game viewing. You will also visit the Samu Lya Moomba heritage site on the outskirts of Monze.

Reach Lusaka and check in at your lodge/hotel, which you already have booked and paid for in advance. _----------END OF TOUR----------------------

What's Included

• One day overnight accommodation in a good-level accommodation lodge in Choma

• Excellent Tour Guide Service.

What's Excluded

• Accommodation in Livingstone and Lusaka (Kindly make your own accommodation arrangements in both Livingstone and Lusaka)

• All alcoholic beverages

• Insurance

• Anything not included

What to bring

• A wide-brim hat, sunscreen and plenty of water

• Warm clothes for morning game drives in open vehicles

Know before you go

• Note:

o Kindly give us the exact location of the lodge/hotel in Livingstone, Zambia, including the phone number where we will pick you up at least a day or two before the commencement of the tour.

Meeting Point

Livingstone, Zambia

Cancellation Policy

For cancellations up to 2 days before the tour -

Refund of 80% of the tour price.

Mandatory single supplement.

Solo travellers must pay 20% single supplement extra for a private room.

Physical Rating

Moderate: Travelers should be comfortable with somewhat-demanding activities.


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