Black and White desert 2days 1night camping

Sprache Arabisch, Chinesisch, Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Hindi, japanisch, Koreanisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Türkisch
Kosten 90 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Tage

Day 1: Depart from Cairo @6:00 AM

Depart from Cairo and drive to the Bahariya Oasis (approximately 4-5 hours).

Enjoy lunch at the village.

Begin your journey into the Black Desert.

Explore the unique landscapes of the Black Desert and take some photos.

Heading to hot springs, crystal mountain and flower Stones.

Explore Agabat Sand Dunes with 4x4 cars which offer a thrilling and fun activity.

You can slide down the dunes on a board "sandboarding" and enjoy the adrenaline rush.

Continue your journey to the White Desert as the sun begins to set.

Set up a campsite in the White Desert for the night.

Enjoy a Bedouin dinner under the starry desert sky.

Spend the evening stargazing and relaxing around the campfire.

Day 2: Sunrise and Return to Cairo

Wake up early to witness the breathtaking sunrise over the White Desert.

Enjoy breakfast at the campsite.

Explore more of the surreal white sand dunes and take photos.

Begin your journey back to Bahariya Oasis.

Return to Cairo (approximately 4-5 hours).

Transfer to your hotel in Cairo.


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