Jeddah Historical Tour

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Let us take you on a journey through history and culture in a historical tour of Jeddah. You will visit the most beautiful and oldest archaeological and architectural landmarks in the city, and learn about its rich heritage and civilization. You will enjoy walking through the narrow and colorful alleys, tasting popular dishes and delicious sweets. You will also witness modern life and contemporary arts in Jeddah, and see how it elegantly and beautifully combines the past and present. Do not miss this unique opportunity to discover new aspects of Jeddah, the city of love and beauty.

What's Included:

Professional English-Speaking tour guide

Entry tickets


Free WiFi

What's Excluded:


Snacks and beverages


What to bring:

Comfortable clothes

Comfortable shoes

Know before you go:

The best time for this tour between 4 PM - 10 PM.

Meeting Point

Bab Jadid, Abu Inabah, Jeddah Saudi Arabia


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