08 Days Gilgit tour is a soft adventure in the Karakorum’s of Pakistan.

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch
Kosten 1340 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 1 Tag

(08 Days Tours) Gilgit Hunza Nalter Valley

Gilgit Tour 08 Days Gilgit tour is a soft adventure in the Karakorum’s of Pakistan.



– Gilgit Hunza Karimabad, Gojal Tour

Gilgit tour refers to the tour of valleys around Gilgit town. Gilgit is a town while the valley’s like Hunza Valley & Naltar are about an hour or two drives away from the Gilgit City. Hunza Valley is situated in further north of Gilgit and it takes about an hour and half to reach from Gilgit. The total distance from Gilgit to Hunza is 100kms. Nagar Valley is the valley that is located in between Hunza and Gilgit. One has to pass through Nagar Valley to reach Hunza Valley from Gilgit. Naltar Valley is located in the north west of Gilgit and is abour an hour drive away from Gilgti City.

Hunza Valley is the main attractions of Gilgit Tour as the valley offers a variety in landscape and scenic beauty. The valley has been blessed with fresh water streams, majestic mountains and peaks, glaciers and lakes. Karimabad is considered to be the main bazaar of Hunza Valley. Many good standard hotels and restaurants have been constructed in Karimabad including a chain of Serena Hotels. Mountain Cup is an eatery one must visit and tryout the local sweet delights with a cup of coffee. Other attraction in Hunza Valley on gilgit tour is the visits to the old Altit Fort and Baltit Fort. Both forts have been rehabilitated by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and Heritage.

Other attraction on Gilgit tour is the hooper glacier in Nagar Valley and a daylong jeep ride to Naltar Valley. Gilgit tour won’t be complete if you have not visited the Khunjerab Top, which is also known as Pak-China border. The ride on the road to the khunjerab top is an adventure of a lifetime. Some activities that can be done are going for a walk on Hussaini suspension bridge, boating and swimming in borith and atabad lake, a hike to passu or hooper glacier or to ultqar meadows. Gilgit Tour is a tour once should not miss.

Itinerary – Gilgit Tour

The itinerary for Gilgit tour is given below.

Hope you are doing good. can you please calculate two kind of costing, the client is asking. i need it urgently.. sorry to bother you it it works i will share the commission with you...

his mail and itinerary is as follows:

Please to send in my request for the above request, and hoping for a good price one for 3 star hotels with full board meals and another for a 4 star hotels.

Day 01: Arrival at Islamabad International by flight??? After welcome reception you will be drive to hotel and dinner will be served at hotel.

Day 02: Following breakfast we will drive 8 horus to Naran, en route we will visit Taxila Museum with several photography, tea & toilet stops. Night stay at hotel.

Dacy 03: Morning drive to Fairy Meadows on a 4x4 jeep then visit Tatoo village and horse riding to Fairy Meadows. Evening bonfire, loal music and traditional dance. We will reach hotel in the evening, dinner will be served & overnight stay at hotel.

Day 04: Morning drive from Fairy Meadows to Hunza enroute visit three mountain ranges , Karakoram , Himalaya, Hindukush. Also visit Rakoposhi viewpoint , Balthit and Altit fort and Karimabad market. Dinner & Overnight stay will be at hotel.

Day 05: Full day local visit include, Hunza – Nagar – Passu, visit Hopar Glacier, Attabad Lake, Hussaini suspension bridge, Gulmit and Gulkin villages. Dinner & overnight stay will be at hotel.

Day 06: Full day excursion of Khunjerab border (Pakistan & China) and on the way back to Gilgit, en route we stop at passu cathederal, pass peak, passu glacier view points. In the evening, dinner & overnight stay will be at hotel in Naltar.

Day 07: Drive from Naltar valley to Gilgit, enroutr visit the famous seven color lakes. Dinner & overnight stay will be at hotel in Naran /besham

Day 08: We will drive 8-10 hours Narrans/Besham to Islamabad with en route photography stops at Pakistan monument, Shahkar parian hills, local bazaar and Margala hills. We will transfer you to airport around 21.00 and you will embark home flight TG 350. End of services.

Gilgit Tour – 08 Days

Gilgit tour is a soft adventure in the Karakorams of Pakistan. Two and a half million domestic tourists visited this region in the year 2018 and it still continues to be the top destination among foreign and domestic tourists. Our holidays to Gilgit and Hunza valley are normally referred to as Hunza valley tour since Gilgit is only a small part of the journey.

Our events (fixed departures) for Hunza Valley tour are given in the table below.

What's included?

What's not included?

Foreign tourists (non-Pakistani)

Licensed professional guide (government requirement)

Airport transfer on first and last day in Islamabad

All domestic road transfers

All hotel accommodation (twin sharing rooms)

All hotel meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

Support staff (assistant(s) et

Domestic tourists (Pakistani Nationals)

Licensed professional guide

Road transport (Islamabad to Islamabad)

Hotel accommodation according to itinerary

Hotel meals according to itinerary

Support staff (assistant(s) etc – according to need)

Foreign tourists (non-Pakistani)

• Travel Insurance (recommendations only)

• Visa to Pakistan (supporting documents will be offered)

• International airfare

• Personal equipments (clothes, boots etc)

• Tips for guides, porters, staff etc

• Miscellaneous (drinks, phone calls, laundry, souvenir etc)

Domestic tourists (Pakistani Nationals)

• Airport transfers in Islamabad (can be arranged – additional charges)

• Sightseeing in Islamabad and surrounding areas (can be arranged – additional charges)

• Hotel accommodation in Islamabad (can be arranged – additional charges)

• Hotel meals in Islamabad (can be arranged – additional charges)

• Travel insurance (recommendations can be requested)

• Visa to Pakistan (not required)

• International airfare for overseas Pakistani

• Personal equipments (warm clothes, boots etc)

• Tips for guides, porters, staff etc

• Miscellaneous (drinks, phone calls, laundry, souvenir etc)


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