Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 485 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek is one of the most popular trekking experiences in Nepal. It's an amazing journey through a diverse landscape and culture, with stunning mountain vistas, terraced fields, quaint Gurung villages, and a wide variety of flora and fauna. The trek takes you to the Annapurna Sanctuary, a natural amphitheater surrounded by towering peaks, including Annapurna I(8091m) (the 10th highest mountain in the world), Annapurna South(7219m), Machapuchare (also known as Fishtail Peak-6993m), and Hiunchuli (6443m). The highest point you will reach is Annapurna Base Camp, at 4,130 meters (13,550 feet).

The trek is typically moderate in difficulty, with well-maintained trails and plenty of teahouses along the way where you can stay and eat. However, it's important to be in good physical condition, as there are some sections with steep climbs. The best time to do the Annapurna Base Camp Trek is in the spring (March-May) or autumn (September-November), when the weather is clear and there is less chance of rain or snow.


Day 1: Pokhara to Ghandruk by bus/ jeep

Day 2: Ghandruk to Sinuwa

Day 3: Sinuwa to Deurali

Day 4: Deurali to ABC

Day 5: ABC to Bambo

Day 6: Bambo to Jhinu

Day 7: Jhinu to Pokhara by bus/ jeep

Check list: -

Sleeping bag (-15 to-20) Down jacket (wind proof &waterproof;) sun glass, camera, around 3/4 pairs sucks T-shirt & tougher, Trekking stick, (pals), crampons, headlight, water bottle, raincoat, gloves, hat, some chocolates/bar cookies, first aid kits, insurance covered up to 4200mt etc...

Including in package: -

1. All permits

2.Three times food on mountain (B/L/D) with a cup of hot drink


4.Accommodation in mountain


Excluding in package: -

1.No bar bill

2.Tips for trekking stuff

3.Donation if needed

4.Trekking equipment

5.Travel insurance

6.Any kind of drinks except a cup of hot drinks

7.Shower, camera charge, battery charge and Wi-Fi.


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