Ghorepani Poonhill Trek

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 275 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Tage

The Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek is a shorter and easier trek option in the Annapurna region of Nepal, perfect for those seeking a taste of Himalayan beauty without a lengthy commitment.Spectacular Sunrises: The crown jewel is the sunrise view from Poon Hill (3,210 meters). Witnessing the golden light illuminate the majestic Annapurna range, including Annapurna South, Dhaulagiri, and Machhapuchhare, is an unforgettable experience.Moderate Challenge: This trek is considered less strenuous than some, with well-defined trails and manageable climbs. However, there's still an ascent of nearly 1,400 meters on the second day, so a decent level of fitness is recommended.Diverse Landscapes: The trail winds through charming villages inhabited by Gurung and Magar people, offering a glimpse into their culture. You'll encounter terraced farmlands, rhododendron forests, and stunning mountain panoramas. Flexibility: The trek can be completed in 3-4 days, making it ideal for those with limited time. Choose between starting in Nayapul or Ghandruk, with both offering scenic beauty.

General itinerary:

Day 1: pokhara to ulleri

Day 2: ulleri to Ghoepani (poonhill)

Day 3: Ghrepani to Ghandruk

Day 4: Ghandruk to Pokhara (by bus/jeep)

Check list: -

Sleeping bag (-15 to-20) Down jacket (wind proof &waterproof;) sun glass, camera, around 3/4 pairs sucks T-shirt & tougher, Trekking stick, (pals), crampons, headlight, water bottle, raincoat, gloves, hat, some chocolates/bar cookies, first aid kits, insurance covered up to 4200mt etc...

Including in package: -

1. All permits

2.Three times food on mountain (B/L/D) with a cup of hot drink


4.Accommodation in mountain


Excluding in package: -

1.No bar bill

2.Tips for trekking stuff

3.Donation if needed

4.Trekking equipment

5.Any kind of drinks except a cup of hot drinks

6.Shower, camera charge, battery charge and Wi-Fi.


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