Mardi Himal Trek

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 335 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Tage

The Mardi Himal Trek is a stunning trek located in the Annapurna region of Nepal. It's a perfect option for those seeking a shorter yet rewarding trek with breathtaking mountain views and diverse landscapes. Here's a description to entice you:

Short & Scenic: This trek is ideal for those with limited time, achievable in 4-6 days. Despite its shorter duration, it offers a variety of landscapes, from lush rhododendron forests to high alpine meadows, showcasing the beauty of the Annapurna region. Moderate Challenge: The Mardi Himal Trek is considered moderate difficulty. The trails are well-maintained with gradual ascents, making it suitable for beginners with a decent level of fitness. The higher sections can be more challenging, with steeper climbs and reaching higher altitudes.

Panoramic Vistas: The highlight of the trek is the breathtaking panorama from Mardi Himal Base Camp (4,500 meters). You'll be rewarded with stunning views of Annapurna South, Machapuchare (Fishtail Peak), Hiunchuli, and other giants of the Himalayas.

Unique Experience: Compared to the more crowded Annapurna Base Camp Trek, the Mardi Himal Trek offers a more peaceful and off-the-beaten-path experience. Here, you can truly immerse yourself in the tranquility of the mountains.The best time to do the Mardi Himal Trek is during the spring (March-May) or autumn (September-November) when the weather is generally clear and offers stunning mountain vistas.

General itinerary:

General Program Schedule:-

1st day 08:00 Drive to kada 1hrs by bus. Trek to pitam deurali 4/5hr Stay overnight in petam deurali 2200m

2nd day 07:30 After Breakfast Trek to rest camp 6/7 hr. Jungle walk Stay Overnight in rest camp2600m

3rd Day 07:00 After Breakfast. Trek to hight camp 5/6hr Lunch on the way Stay Overnight at hight camp 3550m

4th Day Weak up 4:00 am trek to view pointpont2hr Enjoy 360°mountain view and trek back hight camp.2hr Lunch at hight camp Stay Overnight at low camp 2900m

5th Day Trek to kalimati or shidding 3hr Lunch at kalimati Then take jeep back to pokhara. 1:30 drive then arrived at pokhara.trekking end.

Important things to carry: Down Jackets (wind and water proof) Sun Glass and cream, around 3/4 pair Sucks, T-shirt & Tougher, Trekking Sticks (pals), some chocolates bar & cookies , Raincoat etc.

Including In package:-


Permits all


Accommodations in mountain

Bld _ ,Breakfast ,Lunch and dinner with a cup of hot drink.

Excluding in Package:-

Bar bill

No any kinds of drinks except a cup of hot drink.

Tips for Guide & Porter.

Donations( if needed)

Trekking Equipments

Flight tickets if need

Medical and emergency rescue

Hot shower , WiFi, battery charge,

Deuring the trek local transpotation

This is the general programme can be changed depand on weither and walking speed.


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