Panchase Trek

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 5 Tage

Panchase Trek is one of the short treks around Pokhara away from the actual Annapurna trail but it is a rural-cultural off-the-beaten trek that offers an ideal way to discover natural beauty around Pokhara for those visitors on visit, without missing out on the incredible views over the Annapurna Himalayan Range and experience the village life. Our short trek starts in style with a gentle boat trip across Lake Phewa to take you to the start point, where a short climb will be rewarded with stunning views out across the Annapurnas, Machhapuchhare (Fishtail), Dhaulagiri, and Manaslu, which will form the backdrop to much of the trek. The trail will take you up to the World Peace Pagoda, through the forest where you can see the flora and fauna of Nepal, and past several villages where you can experience the daily lives of the local people. It takes you up to an elevation of 2500m on the summit of Panchase Hill, from which (if you are willing to get up early enough!) you can see a dramatic sunrise over the Himalayas giants.

Panchase is one of the closest short treks near Pokhara. Panchase is a point of five tall hills where they meet on the top. On the top of Panchase; there is a temple of Sidda Baba, Dharmasala, Mahadev temple, a view tower, and Buddha statues. The intersection of Kaski, Parbat, and Syangja districts is called Panchase. Panchase Hill offers impressive views of Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, Machhapuchhre, Lamjung Himal, and Manaslu and some stunning views of sunrise and sunset. There is a Pancsila Lake and Barah temple at the top. It is said that saints used to stay there because if fire caught in 1966 they moved elsewhere. However; it is a sacred site for yoga and meditation. Panchase is referred as the biological corridor connecting the Chitwan Annapurna Landscape, which is believed to contain 126 species of orchids,

General itenery:

Day 1 : Pokhara to Dhampus

Day 2 : Dhampus to Bhadaure

Day 3: Bhadaure to Panchase Bhanjyang

Day 4: Bhanjyang to Panchase peak, stayover night Panchase Bhanjyang

Day 5: back to Pokhara

Including in package: -

1. All permits

2.Three times food on mountain (B/L/D) with a cup of hot drink


4.Accommodation in mountain


Excluding in package: -

1.No bar bill

2.Tips for trekking stuff

3.Donation if needed

4.Trekking equipment

5.Travel insurance

6.Any kind of drinks except a cup of hot drinks

7.Shower, camera charge, battery charge and Wi-Fi


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