Annapurna Circuit Trek

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 980 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 2 Wochen

Annapurna region is one of the most famous trekking regions in the world. Annapurna Circuit Trek provides an opportunity to make a trek around the Annapurna region. Enjoy the mesmerizing green and snow-capped mountains including Ganesh Himal, Manaslu, Lamjung Himal, the Annapurnas, the Dhaulagiri, and many more. You’ll also enjoy the exotic Nepali, Tibetan, and Trans-Himalayan cultures of the Annapurna region. You’ll see rural & rustic villages inhabited by a wide diversity of ethnic people including Gurungs, Magars, and Newars. The northern side of the region, Manang and Mustang, are influenced by Tibetan culture and Buddhist religion. Among Nepal’s 75 districts, Manang and Mustang are the only two districts that are beyond the Himalayas. Climb from the sub-tropical terrain of Pokhara to the world’s highest pass of Thorung La (5,416 m) and the Tibetan influence desert-like Kaligandaki Valley. You’ll also come across several waterfalls and lakes. You will be at the bottom of Ruchhe Waterfall, which is the biggest waterfall in the entire Annapurna Trekking route. Similarly, you’ll enjoy hot springs in Tatopani.

Cross the Thorung La pass, with magnificent views of the Himalayas and the Marsyandi Valley. Colorful Mustang and Kaligandaki Valleys can be seen from the Thorang La pass top. Visit the Muktinath Temple and some other monuments around the valley. Kalopani is a wonderful spot to see Dhaulagiri Ice Fall, Mt Dhaulagiri, and Mt Annapurna I. Poon Hill is famous for the breathtaking sunrise views over the Himalayas, with magnificent views of the Himalayas and the Marsyangdi Valley. After Ghasa, cross the Kaligandaki River, and trek through the deepest gorge in the world made by two giant mountains – Dhaulagiri and Annapurna.


Day 1: Pokhara to Jagat by jeep

Day 2: Jagat to Dharapani

Day 3: Dharapani to Chame

Day 4: Chame to Pisang

Day 5: Pisang to Nagwal

Day 6: Nagwal to Manang

Day 7: Manang to Shree kharka

Day 8: Shree kharka to Tilicho Base camp

Day 9: Tilicho base camp to Tilicho lake, stayover night at Shreekahrka

Day 10: Shree kharka to Ledar

Day 11: Ledar to High Camp

Day 12: High camp to Muktinath via Thorongla pass- 5416m

Day 13: Muktinath to Kagbeni

Day 14: Kagbeni to Pokhara/ Kathmandu by bus/ jeep

Check list: -

Sleeping bag (-15 to-20) Down jacket (wind proof &waterproof;) sun glass, camera, around 3/4 pairs sucks T-shirt & tougher, Trekking stick, (pals), crampons, headlight, water bottle, raincoat, gloves, hat, some chocolates/bar cookies, first aid kits, insurance covered up to 4200mt etc...

Including in package: -

1. All permits

2.Three times food on mountain (B/L/D) with a cup of hot drink


4.Accommodation in mountain


Excluding in package: -

1.No bar bill

2.Tips for trekking stuff

3.Donation if needed

4.Trekking equipment

5.Travel insurance

6.Any kind of drinks except a cup of hot drinks

7.Shower, camera charge, battery charge and Wi-Fi.


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