( One-Day ) Immense Issyk Kul Lake & Historical Burana Tower

Sprache Englisch, hindi, Russisch
Kosten 390 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 15 Stunden

We will go with the early drive to reach the First Historical Spot which is 70 Km away from our Bishkek Capital. Reaching Out there we will able to learn the main aspects of the Burana Tower

- Burana Tower and Old City History

- Early Lifestyle of Nomadic People

- How people were making carving stones

- what kind of petroglyphs were found from 2nd BC

- Visit of the Small Museum

Reaching Issyk Kul Lake will be your new experience as you will find the cold breezes in the air and you will able to see the immense lake and the mountains along in the row while sitting in the vehicle. You will able to make the best timings to the best parts of the Northern parts of the Lake . Here we will go for the

- Rukh Ordo Park which is Best place to see the Lake Blue Water and also learn from its small Museum

- You will have the time to take the deep breath for having photography and feel the nature

- During Summers we will make a time to let you feel the cold water while stopping some best point for fresh bath

- Lunch we will have during our visit on some famous local Restaurant in that part of the City

As the Timing to reach back to the city will be limited so we will make the things possible in our given timings of the Trip and this will help you out for having the best time with us .


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