Changdeokgung-Bukchon Hanok Village-Gwangjang market-Namsan Tower-Insadong street

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 250000 KRW für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Architecture is center of tour. It represents spirit of times, and Confucianism was spirit of Joseon Dynasty. With the information of Confucianism, guest can appreciate the authentic beauty and value of Korean culture and Changdeokgung, along with young & vibrant and contemporary culture of Korea.

Changdeokgung & Rear Garden is remarkable palace architecture & beautiful garden, listed by UNESCO. Bukchon Hanok Maeul is hanok(traditional Korean house) village with long history, largest cluster of about 1,000 hanoks. Guest enjoys Korean street food at Gwangjang market and panoramic view of Seoul at Namsan. Jogyesa Buddhist temple in Insadong is headquarter Buddhist temple of Korean Buddhist Organization.

Entrance ticket for Rear Garden will be bought by guest in advance, but guest will pay it back to guide at meeting.


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