Culture and traditional immersion of Lagos, Abeokuta and Oshogbo.

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 750 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

Day 1,

Arrival and picked up from the Airport by Vincent.

-kick start the day with a visit to the Venice of Lagos, Makoko stilth village.

-Proceed to the alluring Nike Art gallery a four floors building adorned with art works, sculptures of indigenous Nigerians talking about the rich history of Nigeria and its diversity.

-Visit the art and craft market for some take home souvenirs.

-Experience the 78 hectares natural resource Lekki conservation centre on a canopy walk hosting a variety of monkeys, Peacocks, Crocodiles, Snakes and different species of birds all in their natural habitat.

Day 2,

Today we make an approximately 3 and half hour trip to Oshogbo the Osun state capital, to see the Osun Oshogbo groove a Unesco world heritage site. Here, you'd explore the forest and get yourself immersed in the spiritual significance of the Yoruba culture, admire the intricate sculptures and artworks dedicated to the beautiful god's and deities of the land called Osun.

Day 3,

From Oshogbo we take a 3 hours drive to Abeokuta the Ogun state capital to visit the Olusegun Obasanjo presidential library. Nigeria's leadership history will be incomplete without the mention of a former army general who ruled as a military head of state and also a democratically elected president of the federal republic of Nigeria from 1999-2007. Here, you'd get in depth analysis of his role while his tenure lasted.

-Proceed to the amiable Olumo rock with rich history of the Egba people and how they were shielded from invasion from their enemies by simply hiding under the rock. kindly note that the name Abeokuta, was derived from this rock which translates to under the rock.

Return trip to Lagos for departure.


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