Agafay Desert Camel Ride Tour: Embark on a Desert Odyssey

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 40 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden


Your tour will begin with a pick-up from your hotel or riad in Marrakech, and you’ll be driven to the Agafay desert. Once you arrive, you’ll meet your guide and be introduced to your camel, who will be your companion for the ride.

The camel ride itself will take you through the beautiful desert landscape, with stunning views of the Atlas Mountains in the distance. You’ll be able to relax and take in the scenery as your camel gently carries you along the sandy terrain.

Along the way, you’ll stop for a break and enjoy a traditional Moroccan tea and snack, as you soak up the peaceful surroundings.

After the camel ride, you’ll be driven back to your accommodation in Marrakech, where you can relax and reflect on your incredible experience.

1-hour Agafay Sunset Camel Ride Marrakech

Agafay Sunset Camel Ride Marrakech

IncludesAir-conditioned transportation with French/English speaking driver.Tuareg clothing for camel rides.One-hour camel ride.Moroccan mint tea.


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