Citadel of Salahuddin, Egyptian Museum and Religions complex

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch
Kosten 65 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

In this tour you will  Visit the Egyptian museum to see the stuff of Golden boy King Tutankhamen and see all the keys of the ancient Egyptian civilization The most valuable antiquities in the world , next stop will the citadel of Salahuddin the oldest citadel in the middle east on a high mountain you will visit the mosque of sultan mamlouk mohamed and the alabaster mosque of Mohamed Ali basha then take photos with a panoram view to old cairo , then you will visit the religion complex to see the oldest church in Egypt the hanging church and the cave church that Prophet Jesus and virgin Lady Mariam stayed there for three months and visit the first mosque in Egypt and Africa amr ebn elaas mosque

The tour includes...

1- pickup and drop-off to your hotel or airport

2- private air-conditioned car

3- private tour guide

4- bottle of water

5- lunch in a local restaurant

Excludes.. attractions fees


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