Dhaka City Sightseeing ( Full Day)

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 85 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden


Exploring the old city of Dhaka offers a captivating glimpse into its rich history, diverse culture, and vibrant street life. Here’s an overview of what you can expect on a tour of Dhaka’s old city:

1. **Historic Landmarks**: Dhaka’s old city is home to numerous historic landmarks, including Lalbagh Fort, Ahsan Manzil (Pink Palace), and the Armenian Church. These sites showcase the city’s Mughal and colonial heritage.

2. **Traditional Markets**: Wander through bustling markets like Shankhari Bazaar, Chawk Bazaar, and Sadarghat Riverfront, where you can find everything from spices and textiles to handicrafts and antiques. These markets offer a glimpse into Dhaka’s vibrant trade and commerce.

3. **Religious Sites**: Explore the city’s diverse religious heritage by visiting temples, mosques, and churches scattered throughout the old city. Notable sites include Dhakeshwari Temple, Star Mosque, and the Holy Rosary Church.

4. **Cultural Experiences**: Immerse yourself in Dhaka’s cultural scene by attending traditional music and dance performances, sampling local cuisine at street food stalls, and interacting with locals to learn about their customs and traditions.

5. **Rickshaw Ride**: Experience the old city’s chaotic yet charming streetscapes by taking a rickshaw ride through narrow alleyways and bustling markets. It’s a fun and authentic way to navigate the labyrinthine streets of Dhaka.

6. **River Cruises**: Embark on a leisurely boat ride along the Buriganga River to witness daily life along its banks and get a different perspective of the city. Many boat tours also offer sunset cruises for a picturesque end to your day.

7. **Guided Tours**: Consider joining a guided tour led by knowledgeable locals or professional tour operators who can provide insights into Dhaka’s history, architecture, and culture while ensuring a safe and enriching experience.

Whether you’re a history buff, a cultural enthusiast, or simply a curious traveler, exploring Dhaka’s old city is sure to be a memorable and rewarding experience. Just remember to dress modestly, respect local customs, and keep an open mind as you navigate the bustling streets and vibrant neighborhoods of this dynamic city.


Old dhaka city

Curzon hall

National parliament

Oldest Hindu Temple ( Dhaleshwari Temple)

Lalbagh fort

Armenian church

Dhaka University

Star mosque

Sakhari bazar ( Hindu's street)

Pink palace ( Ahsan Manzil)

River port

Ship yard

boat riding

some other places on our journey


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