Middle part of bali trip

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

Explore waterfalls is a must if you are in Bali and you love nature.

At the first we Will explore tukad cepung waterfall,the hidden waterfall inside the little jungle. With the cave as the cover of this waterfall and looking more special if we visiting this place in the morning, and here you Will feel noisy water current .

At the second, we Will visit tibumana waterfall, the waterfall located in bangli Bali took the unusual twin falls. Because there are two streams of water lying side by side. Even so, this waterfall, rising at a height of 20 meters, has not always been the same. Sometimes only one side of it forms a waterfall. This is due to the factor of the season.

At the third, we Will explore kato Lampo waterfall, its riving waterfall shape makes it even more special. The naming kanto lampo was based on the presence of trees growing around the river.

And then we Will visiting coffee plantation, is actually the place to see how balinesse people make traditional coffee using manual methods, here you Will guiding by someone who are the expert of balinese coffee, you Will also get free taste of balinesse coffee.

And then the last place is tegalalang rice terrace and swing, is a magic place to see how balinese irrigation system call "subak"

After full day trip you Will tired but it's paid by good pictures and amazing experience..

Don't doubt to book !!!

i and my friend Will be ready to guiding and driving for you..!!


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