Wadi Shihab & sinkhole & White beach

Kosten 155 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

1-cost trip wadi Shab, wadi Tiwi ,white beach  and sink hole

In the morning departure to Wadi Tiwi, which is named after Tiwi village at the coast, is a truly beautiful wadi with the lush plantations giving it a different (certainly greener) feel than many other wadis.

Continue to Wadi Shab ,Inside wadi shab you have to walk along palm groves, on rugged rocky cliffs and swim through some pools to get to the main attraction, which the submerged cave with waterfalls. It will take you about 30-45 minutes walk to get to the cave and to enter it you have to swim through a hole between the mountains.

Sink Hole, "a freshwater crater formed naturally over the centuries.


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