3 Days Visiting Omo Valley Tribes

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 750 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

Day 01: Addis Ababa Fly To– Jinka

This day on arrival at Jinka airport Essence Ethiopia Tours team will be waiting you at the exit door of the airport then you will be driving to Key Afer local market to see the Benna tribe , hammer tribe and tsemay tribes with the mane people Then proceed to the Turmi where the Hamer people lives. Overnight in Turmi Lodge

Day 02: Excursion to Omorate (75kms 2hrs drive) Then Drive To Jinka

A fter having your breakfast, you will have an excursion to Omorate to visit the Dassanech tribe ‘people of the Delta’, who lives on the northern shore of Lake Turkana. Visit and drive back to Turmi for lunch then drive to Jinka on the way you will have a chance of attending the tribe market of Key Afer and you will see around 3 tribe in the markets then drive to jinka for overnight and you will see the Ari people , the largest population in the lower omo valley. The women wear skirts from the banana like tree, called Enset are expert in pottery. Overnight in Jinka Resort

Day 03: Drive Jinka – Mago – Jinka – Departure

Take a day excursion to Mago National Park to visit the Mursi village. The Mursi are one of the exotic ethnic groups in Ethiopia. They live in very low huts made of straw leaves. The women like to wear terra cotta on their enormously stretched lower lips and ear lobes. Drive back to Jinka Later you will be transferred to the airport for your departure.

Package Includes


All entrance fees

Bottled Water

Domestic Flights ONLY

Professional Guide Service

Package Excludes


Camera and Video Charges

Personal insurance

Personal Tips


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