overnight to the white desert safari

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 450 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Transfer from Cairo at 7am by private car 🚐🚌 to transfer to Bahariya Oasis upon arrival.

1- Having lunch 🍝🍜🍽.

2- Move to visit the Black Desert (volcanic mountain) 🪨🌋🪨🌋

3-Then move to Al-Haiz village and visit the aquifers

And a visit to the Groundwater Museum, a visit to the Roman Church ⛪️🕍 and the ruins of the ancient Roman prison 🏛 in the village of Al-Haiz among the sands and car adventures.

4- Move to visit Crystal Mountain 🔮.

5- Go to the punishment area and enjoy playing with sandboards 🏂🏂🎿 then move to (Moon Cave 🌖🌖) then move to Wadi Al Kabir 🏜 and venture in four-wheel drive vehicles in the rough sand 🏝🚙🚙 among the palm trees scattered in the valley, then move to Ain Khadra Knowing the obstacles until the white desert, it's a desert🏜🌵🌵 🐪🐪🐪🐪🐫.

Passing by the ancient acacia tree, which is around 4,500 years old and still retains its greens.

6- Go visit the ancient White Desert, which includes Wadi al-Fitr 🍄🍄, the tent area 🏕🏕 mountain and the Ice Cream Valley 🍦🍦🍨

7- Move to visit the new White Desert, see the rock formations such as chicken rock, rabbit, horse, camel, Sphinx and other wonderful shapes, then camp and prepare dinner and Bedouin feast by drinking Bedouin tea . On the fire ☕️🫖🔥🔥 and enjoying the view of the bright stars in the sky 🌌⭐️🌌✨

8- Wake up before dawn and photograph the sunrise panorama 🌤🌞.

9- Have breakfast and drink hot drinks 🥪🧈🥛☕️then take a quick tour of the White Desert.

10- Return to Bahariya Oasis, go to the Wahat market to buy dates and Bedouin oasis products, wait in the canteen to enter the bathroom, etc., then return to Cairo.


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