A general Tour of Tangier

Sprache Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 0 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 5 Stunden

An attractive melting pot of people and culture, Tangier is a city full of character, from the bustling night bazaars of the Grand Souk in the heart of the old city, to the sprawling shopping districts and nouveau riche tea houses of the Ville Nouvelle. .

  Once a hub of international spies and traveling poets arriving to sample the city's diversity and underground culture, Tangier today remains a truly enigmatic place of historical wonders, picturesque beaches, fresh seafood restaurants and traditional whitewashed facades. .

  Located at the top of Tangier's central hill, the Kasbah is a true must-see for any visitor to Morocco.   Stroll through the narrow, very romantic and mysterious streets of the old medina with your Tangier tour guide to reach this famous place in the city.   The Grande Mosquée and Petit Socco Square are worth a visit for their unique architectural displays or daily glimpses of local life in action.   Outside the old town, the recently built port area and a series of newly created museums make this an immersive and totally immersive place. 


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