Prague: Jewish Quarter Half-Day Private Walking Tour

Sprache Tschechisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

Meeting underneath the statue of Franz Kafka located at the Spanish Synagogue at Vězeňská 1, Prague 1, take in the rich tapestry of Jewish history and culture, as you stroll through this vibrant neighbourhood, where every corner reveals a new chapter in the story of Prague's Jewish Quarter. Join me, a fellow member of the Prague Jewish Community, as we visit the historic synagogues, each with its own unique story to tell. We will visit several famous synagogues: -The 13th-century Old-New Synagogue(The Oldest synagogue in Europe) -The Pinkas Synagogue, now a hallowed museum dedicated to the Czech victims of the Holocaust -The Klausen Synagogue, which contains an exhibition of Jewish traditions and artifacts -The Spanish Synagogue Visit the Chevrah Kaddisha building and marvel at the stunning architecture of the Old Jewish Cemetery, where graves are up to 12 layers deep; and where you will find the resting place of Rabbi Loew, renowned in legend as the creator of the Golem. Explore the largest collection of Judaica in the world, there is no other collection of historical Jewish artifacts like it! This is the only Jewish Quarter that the Nazis purposely did not destroy, making this private tour an unforgettable journey through one of Europe's most storied and resilient communities. I am happy to recommend several Jewish restaurants for a beautiful dinner and please enjoy a 10% discount for a special evening concert in the Spanish Synagogue when you book this tour!


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