Marrakech - Merzouga (désert) - Fes (Athenes of Africa)

Sprache Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 200 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

A 3-day tour from Marrakech to Merzouga and then to Fez offers a captivating journey through some of Morocco's most iconic landscapes and cultural sites. Here's a brief description:

### Day 1: Marrakech to Merzouga

- **Morning:** Depart from Marrakech, traveling through the High Atlas Mountains via the Tizi n'Tichka Pass. Enjoy stunning views of traditional Berber villages and the changing landscapes.

- **Afternoon:** Stop in Ait Benhaddou, a UNESCO World Heritage site, famous for its ancient kasbahs. Continue to Ouarzazate, known as the "Gateway to the Sahara."

- **Evening:** Reach Merzouga in the late afternoon. Experience a camel trek into the Sahara Desert to watch the sunset over the dunes. Overnight in a traditional desert camp, enjoying a Berber dinner under the stars.

### Day 2: Merzouga to Todra Gorge and Dades Valley

- **Morning:** Wake up early to witness the sunrise over the Sahara dunes. After breakfast, ride camels back to Merzouga.

- **Mid-Morning:** Travel towards the Todra Gorge, passing through Erfoud and Tinejdad. Explore the dramatic cliffs of Todra Gorge, a popular spot for hiking and rock climbing.

- **Afternoon:** Continue to the Dades Valley, known for its stunning rock formations and traditional kasbahs. Visit the “Monkey Fingers” rock formations and the Dades Gorge.

- **Evening:** Overnight in a hotel or guesthouse in the Dades Valley.

### Day 3: Dades Valley to Fez

- **Morning:** Depart from the Dades Valley, passing through the Rose Valley and the Skoura Oasis, known for its beautiful palm groves and kasbahs.

- **Afternoon:** Travel through the Middle Atlas Mountains, stopping in Ifrane, often called "Little Switzerland" for its alpine-style architecture and cool climate.

- **Evening:** Arrive in Fez, one of Morocco’s oldest and most culturally rich cities, ending the tour.


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