Best Giza Tours to Saqqara and the Serapeum, Memphis Museum and Sphinx and Dahshur Red and Bent Pyramids

Sprache Arabisch, Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 65 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 7 Stunden

Today’s Private Giza tours will be tour out of Giza city tours package includes ‎most discoveries and surroundings beyond of Giza city basically includes:

‎- Meet your tour guide at 08.00 AM at your (Address –or- Hotel –or- Cairo or ‎Sphinx airports).

‎- Private pickup and transfers and tours with guidance by professional Egyptology ‎tour guide from Cairo for the following visits:‎

• Sakkara or Saqqara:

View the spectacular discoveries and ancient burial grounds of Egyptian ‎royalty, there are 2 tickets we recommending here:‎

‎-‎ Standard ticket Covers: The Step Pyramid and funerary complex of King ‎Zoser & Mastaba ‎of Ti & The Pyramid of Unas & Imhotep Museum, ‎Minister Kagemni Tomb. ‎

‎-‎ Inclusive ticket Covers: Standard Ticket Plus+ Nobles Tombs, New ‎Kingdom Tombs, Serapeum of Sakkara, Tomb of Mereruka, Tomb of ‎Mehu.‎

• Memphis: ‎

Taking a stroll through the open-air museum of Mit Rahina. Here, witness ‎the magnificent statues of Ramses II standing at a colossal 11 meters, and ‎the Sphinx of Memphis; spiritual guardian of the tombs. Keep delving into ‎history as you follow the paths of the ancient capital to visit the statues of ‎Sekhmet, the Temple of Mummification, and the Temple of Hathor.‎

• Dahshur:

Was Egypt's royal necropolis during the reign of the 12th Dynasty king ‎Amenemhat II. You and two Pyramids reaching towards the heavens!

Bent Pyramid was the first planned from the outset to be a true pyramid ‎with smooth sides.

Red Pyramid gets its name from the reddish limestone used to build most ‎of its core.

Return to your hotel at the end of day trip with many amazingly memories ‎of Egypt.‎

At the end of the day, your personal driver will take you back to your (Address ‎‎–or- Hotel –or- Cairo airport) many amazingly memories of your part II of your ‎Giza tours with our private guide and modern vehicle so now you have ‎completed your Best of Giza tours to Sakkara, Memphis and Dahshur.

What is Included:‎

• All private road transfers (pickup – tour – drop offs) on recent model ‎vehicle with professional driver.‎

• Private, Egyptologist, English Speaking Tour Guide in your tours. (more ‎Guidance languages are available at your request)‎

• All Entrance fees tickets to attractions mentioned in the itinerary.‎

• Bottles of Water and local juices during the day trips.‎

• Service fees and local taxes.‎

• Meals as following :

‎- 00 Breakfast

‎- 00 Lunch

‎- 00 Dinner

What is Not Included:‎

• Your International flight to and from Egypt.‎

• Your Accommodation in Cairo.‎

• Tipping.‎

• Your drinks and extra Meals not indicated in our itinerary

• Optional tours and excursions.‎

• Additional and/or Sub tickets.‎


• All sites listed in the itinerary can be found in each location of the tour. As ‎our guides are flexible and schedules are tailored to your needs, it may not ‎be possible to do everything in each location within your timeframe. We will ‎work with you to plan the perfect day before each visit and also our tour ‎guide will do it better with you on the way before you start your Best of ‎Giza tours to Sakkara, Memphis and Dahshur tours. So you will get to ‎see the sites most important and highly recommended to you.‎

• Additional entry fees apply for sub-tickets and non-listed tickets.‎


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