Day Tour in Apollonia Vlora and Llogara National Park

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch
Kosten 160 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Our journey commences at 8:00 AM, and by 10:30 AM, we initiate our exploration of the Apollonia Archaeological Park, established in 7 AD. Here, we delve into the epoch of Julius Caesar and Emperor Augustus. We’ll uncover the mysteries of ancient Greco-Roman temples and Illyrian ruins, all while savoring the sweeping vistas of the Adriatic Sea. After a 40-minute journey, we’ll reach Vlora, the cradle of Albanian Independence. You’ll have the opportunity to leisurely stroll along the Ionian coast. Continuing for another 40 minutes, we’ll make our way to the Llogara National Park. Nestled amidst the park’s rich biodiversity, and by the stunning perspectives of the Ionian Sea and the lush valleys beneath. A traditional lunch awaits us at a restaurant perched atop the pass, 1050 meters above sea level. Our return drive commences at 17:30, with an estimated arrival time of around 19:30


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