Cosmin Zgremtia ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Rumänien

For me, being a wildlife and flora guide in Romania is the best way of sharing my knowledge and my passion about trees, bears, birds and all the other creatures living under the forest canopy.

Each trekking experience and visit inside nature has a thematic touch.

Perhaps you came to Romania to seek out Dracula's lair, but on my tours you'll have chances at photographing brown bears, enjoying wildlife encounters and wildlife tracking, bird-watching or constructing a small photographic herbarium in our flora survey.

I recommend you the perfect combination to enjoy the wild mountains of Transylvania.

I am an excellent travelling companion, with a strong sense of humor, addicted about spending time in nature, and passionate about sharing our tradition, food and cultural treasures in a well-organised manner.

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, rumänisch
Währungen Euro (EUR)

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