Mehmet Turgay Kul ist lokaler persönlichen Reiseleiter in Türkei, Ägypten, Niederlande

Passionate about my beautifull

homeland Turkey or my country of resident The Netherlands or my great passion Egypt

I like to show you these countries in all its various sites in a relaxed schedual and a special touch !

* Equipped with local and Eurasian cross cultural historical knowledge,

* Specialised in

Hitite Bronz Age religion and culture,

Classical Homerian Asia Minor

The Trojan Warr and Homer,

Greek, Ionic, Hellenic and Roman civilisations,

Early Classical Biblical Anatolian 7 Churches of Asia Minor and St Pauls Journeys,

Byzantine Imperial History and Arts,

Ottoman history and Arts.

Pharaonic Classical Egypt and modern day

Arab Republic of Egypt history .

* Offering a well prepared, relaxed and service minded guidence, but at the same time full proffesionallity,

Variation in service level,


- active hollidays,

- cultural hollidays including all regional roundtrips ,

- adventurous discovery trips,

- VIP and Press Assistance

- Bussines related congres- andcitytrips,

- Group Incentives to Local Private,

- Institutional Organisers,

- Touroperators

- Media, TV and Commercial Enterprise Assistance

Anything you like is taken care off,

so you and your loved ones can really enjoy the Worlds Most Beautifull Open Air Museum called TURKEY !

Titel :

Freelance Representative and officially Turkish Ministry of Tourism licensed

National Tourguide


Turkish - Dutch - English- German- French

* 25 years of guiding and translatıng experiance in

Guiding experiences in and available for private trips, archeology studies, art studies or bussiness delagations intrested to visit

*Antalya, region

Alanya, Kamer, Aspendos, Myra,

* Istanbul (Ottoman and Byzantine hystorie)

* Bursa (Ottoman)

* Troy (Homerian, Greek and Roman hystorie)

* Bergama (Hellenistic Pergamon)

* Izmir (Greek Smyrna )

* Ephesus (Greek and Roman hystorie

* Bodrum (Halikarnassos)

* Milet (Miletos)

* Didim (Dydima)

* Prienne (Greek and Roman hystorie

* Pamukkale (Hierapolis,Biblical and Roman)

* Afrodisias (Hellenistic )

* Dalyan (Caunos, Lycian and Roman)

* Marmaris

* Kusadasi

* Fethiye (Olympos en Patara),

* Antalya ,(Attaleia, Roman ),

* Demre (Myra)

* Side,

* Isparta

* Konya (Iconia en Mevlana Jallaladin Rumi tomb)

* Ankara (Angora)

* Yozgat (Hatusas)

* Kayseri (Cesarea)

* Adiyaman (Mount Nemrut)

* Erzurum and Dogu Bayazit

(Mount Ararat en Armian site Ani)

* Urfa (Ur)

* Antakya (Antiochia)

* Early evangelic and christian city;s of biblical Asia Minor dating to the time of apostel St. Paul and St. John the Evangelist like Ephesus, Pergamon, Hierapolis, Smyrna, Sardes, Iconia, Philadelphia, Assos

In Holland:

* Amsterdam

* Haarlem

* Eindhoven

* Maastricht

* s'Hertogenbosch

* Breda

In Egypt

* Cairo with Giza and Dahsur Pyramids and the Mastaba or Trappyramid of King Djoser and city suburbs

* Assouan (Aswan Damwerken and Abu Simbel Tempel)

* Luxor Tempels and graves

* Hurghada

* St. Catharin in the Sinai dessert en Mount Sinai

* Nuweiba

Sprachen Niederländisch, Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Limburgish, Limburgan, Limburger, Türkisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), 2005–2008 „Neue Lira“ (TRY)

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