ahmed sabry ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ägypten

I was born and educated in Cairo where I got a degree in Egyptology from Cairo University in 1993 . since then I never stopped studying I grew up with legends about digging and tomb curse tales, which left its deep love for history, archaeology & Egyptian myths plus feeling proud of all Egyptian monuments

. Egypt is a beautiful country with very old history , an

interesting culture , warm hospitality and very friendly people.

Tours around Egypt are of many different types &I will be for you and your friends the best local tour guide for the best quality budget tours all over Egypt

Egypt history is my passion, the architect of its monuments is a hymn for me wondering around for thousands times and never stop learning from its greatness. Luxor now is my home where I chose to live, it is quiet, clean and keeping nearly 2/3 of world's monuments, if you have the same passion like me in Egypt's history and monuments so Luxor is your perfect city. local life activity in Luxor is very typical Egyptian, people here still keeping their old traditions which reflect the mixed cultures of Egypt and its invaders over the decay, food here is one of its hidden charms, the local cuisine in Luxor is very delicious and suits all the different cultures because it is from the mix of different cultures, we can together enjoy a tour or more around Luxor and taste its beauty. . I'm here to offer my unlimited tourist services as

organizing tours, guiding or managing tours all over Egypt. Armed by

my long experience in tourism business for more than 15 years. I clearly know how much will cost you when you manage your journey

. . . ! Because of the huge profit they target to gain, While you can

save at least 60% of the same tour price if you contact the right

tours through a Travel agency, ! of course an enormous sum of m

local tour manager and that's the target of establishing such web

service, simply to help you through my law budget tours prices as

helping ourselves getting more busy , managing quality tours of

reasonable prices , getting a decent profit helping us living a decent


Allow me to show you the secrets of this beautiful sacred land , let me taking you in a private tour to explore together its fascinating culture with a relevant presence as amazing as its past .

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