Gyongyi - Perla Bernath ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Rumänien

I'm just me.Simple.

Love to travel and discover the world. I lived in the Netherlands few years and since 1994 I'm back and living in Brasov, Romania. With an experience of 15 years of traveling all over and having an experience on incoming tours in Romania I invite you to discover the beauty of my land together with me. Nothing compairs with the way to be happy and free , outside in the nature , smelling , tuching, discovering the beauty of #life, traveling!

My quots are:



Fly .


The only thing you buy and makes you richer is traveling!

Keep on mooving!

The world is yours!

Travel enlightened!

Sprachen Niederländisch, Englisch, ungarisch, rumänisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Leu (RON)

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