Natalia Vlasenko ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Ukraine


I'd love to meet people who want to explore Odessa (and Ukraine as well), learn its culture, traditions, cuisine and art.


My tours are always a bit more than just excursion with historic and cultural background. I will advise you great places to eat and drink good coffee, I will recommend you local showrooms, flea markets and interesting shops, I will help you to plan your free time. I won't be only your guide, but also your friend :)


Among my ready itineraries:

- classic walking city tour 2-2,5 hours

- tour to Odessa catacombs (2 hours)

- walking tour around Odessa yards (2-3 hours)

- Jewish heritage of Odessa

- Odessa cuisine & wine tasting

[Countryside tour to Akkerman fortress, the biggest in Ukraine, can be also organized on demand].


We can also combine different tours, I’m quite flexible. I can plan excursion depending on your taste and preferences to make your visit to Odessa pleasant, bright and unforgettable!


Waiting forward to see you in Odessa!

Sprachen Englisch, Französisch, Polieren, Russisch, ukrainisch
Währungen Dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), Hrywnja (UAH)

Exkursionen (5)

Touristenmeinung (2)

Albert Stutz
17 JUN 2019
Our yearly trip for a longer weekend brought us to Odessa this year. I found Natalia on PrivateGuide ( and she proved to be an excellent choice. Our wish to visit Transnistria was successfully implemented even though our first driver cancelled on short notice. She went out of her way to make things happen espcially when making sure we got our belated luggage during a swap at a gas station with the driver who was delivering the bags and we needed to sign in person. Natalia's knowledge and organizational skills made our trip a special one and a big thank you goes to her husband Stanislaus (who happens to be a historian). He joined us on the tour and provided a lot more insight on the history and every day life of the entire region on the Black Sea. She is a great guide and her clam and friendly personality is a huge asset.
Barry Levinson
29 SEP 2019
I booked Natalia via a recommendation..Natalia is polite, knowledgable, friendly and extremely interesting. I spent 3 great days exploring Odessa and the surrounding area with Natalia. Do not hesitate to book her.
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