El Mehdi MEHDIOUI ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Marokko

Do You Look For a Morocco or Marrakech Private Tour Guide, Personal Private Shopper or a Local Travel Expert?

If So This is a perfect address to customize and Tailor-made your Personalized Marrakech and Morocco Trip. I am a Licensed Morocco Tour Guide based in Marrakech with Many Years Experience in The Field.

Educated Engineering, Mathematics and Design I decided to approach The Travel Industry which I have a passion for since I was a Child.

I have been Guiding all over Morocco taking private tours to visit Historical royal cities like Rabat, Fez, Casablanca, Meknes, Volubilis and Marrakech.

Thanks to my long Experience in The Travel Business I am a Morocco Travel Expert and Marrakech Specialist. I can help design any kind of Tours all over The Country.

My career is very rich with Taking care of Guests Travelling with Travel companies and Tour Operators such as Travel Link, Mountain Voyage, Abercrombie & Kent, Lawrence Of Morocco and other esteemed Agencies to Luxury Hotels, Riads, Villas and Retreats like The Mamounia, Royal Mansour, Four Seasons, Amanjana, Essaidi Palace, villa des Orangers, Maison MK, Riad Idra, Laksur Dixneuf, La Maison Arabe and other beautiful high standard retreats. All in Total professionalism, respect and understating of customer service and international hospitality standards.

Either for a purely Historical Marrakech city Tour to Craft and Shopping tours, or a Jewish Heritage Tour. I have what you are looking for!

Travelers with me will discover the beauty of Marrakech, its gardens, Museums, Art Galleries, Riads, Historical sites, Souks and Craft areas. My guests include designers, politicians & high officials, artists, thrilled people and clients of all sorts.

My Job is to help you discover the hidden sides of The Medina of Marrakech, its fascinating Souks, craft areas, and shopping secrets. My assistance extends to design new things for your convenience, set with artisans to make items and ship them safely to your home door.

I can Customize any of your Tours to suit for your needs and interest. Regardless of Age, Sex or social status I can adapt to any kind of situation.

As a Marrakech Personal Shopper ( Studied Design ) and have a Designer Brother who assist me I can help your Shopping in Marrakech Souks and Medina. We update our addresses continuously and we know The Best Marrakech and Morocco has to Offer in Terms of Serious and occasional Shopping.

My Tours includes:

- VIP Travelers and Special personalities.

- Solo Women Traveling alone

- Travelers with Special Needs

- Families with Kids

- Film Makers and Artists as well as photographers and Fashion Models

- Investors, Farmers and Intellectuals with interest to Moroccan market, history and culture

Born in South of Morocco in Tafilallet Oasis where I spent my childhood. I moved to Rabat/Sale where I grew up in a family of crafts and construction. My education included Design, Engineering and Mathematics. Both in Rabat University and Marrakech High Engineering Royal Air School.

With a chance to Travel inland and outside of Morocco and lived For a while in Norway and worked Fixing Houses. Being a city boy didn't cut my tights with my origin and roots. I feel proud to show both the Authentic Morocco with rich history and social life to the Modern side of an Emerging African Nation proud of its roots and moving towards Future.

Now I am based in Marrakech which is Number one Travel destination. Either for your cultural tour, shopping tour or any kind of activities and adventures I will be happy to arrange. My services cover assistance, guiding, arrangements and more.

Welcome to The Kingdom Of Light, and Looking forward to meet you soon!


Morocco Travel Expert

Marrakech Insider

Marrakech Personal Shopper

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