Maher Edwards ist ein lokaler privater Reiseleiter in Südafrika

I'm a registered SA Specialist Tour Guide.

Love to take you Abseiling down waterfalls, Big 5 Safari, Sightseeing in Cape Town, Shark or Crocodile Cage Diving, Scuba in the Predator Tank at the Aquarium, Snorkeling, Skydiving, Paragliding, Hiking etc. or whatever is on your Bucket List I will bring to reality.

We will arrange a "Meet & Greet" at your point of arrival and transfer you and your family safely to your accommodation for a reasonable fee.

I will arrange a tour to suit your budget including accommodation, hotel or Homestay. All foods will be Halaal.

Sprachen Afrikaans, Arabisch, Englisch
Währungen Rand (ZAR)

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